May 2024 Update

I never dreamed that I would contract a debilitating disease, (pancreatic cancer); that it would be rectified by a rare and life-threatening surgery (a total “whipple” pancreatectomy); followed by a deadly 3 month infection. and now I am in the midst of six months of intense chemotherapy which leaves me bedridden much of the time in my own home. None of this was in my plan. But God, who does all things well, has chosen this path for me. Yes, Satan has his schemes, but he can do nothing apart from God’s wise sovereign permission (Job 2:6).

I am over halfway done with my chemotherapy infusions, and the fog of the therapy has risen. But now, mercifully, it seems to be beginning to lift a little bit so that I can actually ponder things a bit more coherently. First of all I want to thank all of you for standing with me in prayer and giving. Much prayer (and giving) is still humbly requested. 

One of my chief requests is that I will be able to participate fully in the Bethlehem College & Seminary graduation this coming May 17. It will be the first time I set foot in Bethlehem‘s building since October of last year. So that in itself feels quite overwhelming. But I was blown away with the announcement that I was to receive an honorary doctorate of divinity degree. I am stunned and humbled. A small portion of the graduation ceremony will include the conferring of the degree and the changing of my regalia. So it is important that I can be there physically. They have set up a roundabout plan for me to participate. I will be skipping one of my chemotherapy infusions to help me feel better. So please pray that it goes well and is not distracting in any way from the wonderful graduates of the College and Seminary who deserve your undivided attention.

It feels hopeful to me that I am beginning to be able to focus more and more on my work with TLI. I attend as many of the staff meetings by zoom and prayer meetings as I am physically able, and I am interacting with students and staff as the Lord permits. I am grateful to have walked with you all through  Calvin Davi’s journey—so much more urgent than mine. He and his folks are still in need of our prayers. So grateful he seems to be doing well here at home. 

Beyond attending TLI prayer meetings I am beginning to prepare for teaching next fall semester. I have already purchased my plane ticket back to Cameroon late September. There should be no reason I cannot travel by then. Even my doctors agree. I will be, Lord willing, teaching  

Intermediate grammar and Ephesians. I have taught these many times. Each time it’s as though I hadn’t taught it before. Always more to see. Right now I am trying to re-memorize Ephesians, which I first memorized walking along the River Cam in Cambridge, England, walking between Cambridge and a little town called Grantchester. I will never forget that daily stroll with Ephesians humming in my mind.

Dr. Dieudonne Tamfu (pictured above with his wife, Dominique) is flying from Yaoundé to Minneapolis for my investiture. I am so blessed and can hardly wait to see him face-to-face. Please pray for BCS Yaounde. Years 1 & 4 have been a very productive year with so much blessing for the students (there is no year two and four this year, next year there will be year one and two). The emotional and physical cost on the Tamfus, faculty, staff and students because of my illness and especially the Davi experience has made this an unusually hard year for them. But it has also been a very blessed year with the school, church and printing going so well.

Of course, any of you are welcome to attend the BCS graduation, May 17 . It is open to the public. The graduation ceremony is really a worship service—not your typical graduation. So quite apart from me being there , you would enjoy it immensely. There will be brief messages from Dieudonne, Brian Tabb, John Piper and a couple students.  It starts at 7 PM on May 17. If you come I would encourage you to arrive early to find parking and get a seat. If you cannot come, you’re welcome to join online at

Once again, I just want to try to express my gratitude to each one of you for your long interest in Cameroon and my work there. I can testify that I am more eager to return to Cameroon than ever before. God will make the way. It is wonderful to have already purchased my plane ticket to Yaounde in late September. It’s like a stake in the ground. A dear friend whose father passed away from pancreatic cancer last year has made it possible for me to fly premium class this trip. This is the first time in 40 years I will have flown in first class. Don’t worry, I plan to return to the main cabin seats on future trips. 

May God continue to give us all his grace. I love you all.



March 2024 Update