March 2024 Update
Amidst the severe health situations that the Steller and the Davis have been experiencing, the work in Cameroon presses on with some amazing victories. Last update my partner, Dieudonne Tamfu, gave a synopsis of 2023. In this March update I want to focus on one of the critical projects being spearheaded by my other partner, Bryan MacPhail-Fausey, and his wife, Heather. Your prayers have been a crucial part of this project as we seek to get solid theological books into Cameroon with a special focus on the lack of French books that are helpful to pastors. Here is Bryan’s update on this project.
Bryan’s words:
In late August 2023, Sola Publishing’s vision of providing theologically rich, affordable resources in Cameroon went from dreams to reality. Sola has been growing as our team learns its craft, and they are learning it well, having impressed a few in the publishing industry with the quality of products!
As we continue to grow, we are busy this year preparing for our August 5-9, 2024, biennial Pastor’s Conference at l’Eglise Biblique Baptiste d’Ahala in Yaounde. Among the conference speakers this year are Conrad Mbewe, Dr. Dieudonné Tamfu, Daniel Patz, and Dr. Simon Mvondo, who will walk pastors through Ephesians and the spiritual growth of the local church.
This is a significant undertaking for our small planning team with our first invited international speaker and doubling the attendance to 200 pastors this year. The past conferences have been a great blessing to pastors from Cameroon and the surrounding countries. We continue to hear how these conferences have positively impacted churches and ministries, and many are already excitedly anticipating this year's conference.
Sola is responsible for printing the six books in French and English that will be given to each pastor attending the conference (No more suitcases full of books and hoping the luggage arrives!). This is Sola's first major undertaking, and we are excited! We have, in fact, already begun preparing the layouts and printing the books.
With this undertaking comes a challenge: To fund the printing of the books, the speaker, and scholarships for struggling pastors, we need around $18,000. If you would like to contribute to this need, you can give online at Select the name MacPhail-Fausey, and in the note section of the online form, type Sub-account 020 National/Pastoral Assistance. All the funds in this sub-account are currently dedicated to this project.
Please watch this video that explains our Sola Scriptura book making ministry. This is a MAJOR step forward in our pastoral training effort. Pray that God will bring in the needed money (give generously if he so leads). It’s hard to over-emphasize the life changing impact on these 200 pastors as they are bathed in and empowered with the preaching of this conference and then return home with excellent theological books in their own language. For many this may be the first quality books they own!
After my 12-hour surgery removing my pancreas, in the midst of my 12 months of recovery, and and now entering my second month of a 6-month chemotherapy treatment, I am sincerely hoping to return to Cameroon in September—if the Lord wills. Please pray with me about this.
I can’t thank you enough for your earnest prayers, notes of support, meals, and continued support.
Together with you in the Greatest Cause,